Beachparty 2010 News
Beachparty 2010 was a success!
Apologies for the lack of updates recently, as it has been an incredibly busy past month for all involved...
In the end, the weather forced us to move - absolutely massive thanks to cTrix for donating his living room for the evening!
Huge thank yous also to everyone who showed up, especially to all interstaters. We hope everyone had a great time!
The winners took home trophies featuring ASCII by Ozzy. Massive respect to Anakirob for organising such cool prizes!
And now, some RESULTS! (We won't list the actual votes since the paper envelope with them written on it ran away while we were packing up, but these ARE the placings)
Graphics -------- 1. Wilderness by Conjuror (C64) 2. Beach Party by Ozzy (ANSI) 3. FLI-ing at the beach by cTrix (C64) Music ----- 1. Beachparty Tek by cTrix (Gameboy) 2. Beachparty by One Volt Sun (PC - 4K synth) 3. Donut by An4kiR (Amiga) Demo ---- 1. Webnoter by Slack (c64 - and built in webserver!) 2. Satisfaction Guaranteed by Pearl (Amiga) Yes, this is quite an old demo, but the rules were bent somehow ;)
Downloads are coming, but we're not quite ready yet.
Beachparty 2010 is on!
We have confirmed party date: Saturday 27th March 2010!